Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Guys Who Wear Carhartts

Yesterday I stopped at a gas station and decided to check the oil on my car.  Only trouble was (and you can’t imagine how I hate to admit this) I couldn’t get the hood open. Let me add here it was cold, snowy, and windy.   Literally within minutes two guys come over to see if they could help.  They were wearing Carhartts.

For those who have never lived in a rural area, let me attempt to explain Carhartts.  They are WORK clothes.  They are NOT in any way, shape, or form intended to be a fashion statement.  They are functional, practical and sturdy  -- much like the people who wear them.     Believe me – I mean this as the greatest of compliments.

You can trust a guy (or a woman for that matter) who wears Carhartts.  They aren’t going to rob you, or ask you for a handout.  As a matter of fact, my heroes wouldn’t even hear of it when I offered to pay them for their help.  They got the hood up, pointed out what the problem was (the latch needs some WD40), and I was able to make my listing appointment on time.

I like living in an area where Carhartts outnumber mock turtlenecks approximately 6000 to 1.  To me it indicates a strong work ethic, common sense, and an appreciation of function over form.  It means I live in an area where neighbors help friends, and even complete strangers, when they can.  So to my heroes Jerry and Chad a heartfelt “thank you”.   I’m sure glad you’re the kind of guys who wear Carhartts.

1 comment:

  1. Love that story true, if you're a damsel in distress you can always trust a guy in Carharts.....
